Thursday, November 18, 2010


We got 8 eggs yesterday from retrieval!  We've been praying for the perfect number so that must be it. :)  It did hurt a lot more than I thought it would.  Eric's making me take time to recover.  He loves me. :)

Today, Thursday, we find out how many fertilized.  We'
re praying for strong eggs and expert hands for those fertilizing them.  I've been pondering Psalm 139:  13 For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
   How vast is the sum of them!

His eyes see their unformed body.  Wow!  What cool verses.

Friday we find out how many survive and then Saturday they implant them! Yay!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Last Follistim Shot!!!

Yay!!!  Tonight should be the last follistim shot I have!!!  Danville yesterday was really encouraging.  I have 12 follicles and they all look good.  My estrodial is now up to 1,400 which is crazy because a week from this last Friday is was 21, but they said that was good.

I go again to get blood work and scan done tomorrow and then they'll tell me what day I'll have retrieval. I still have to keep going to God with my thoughts to ask him to help me control them.  My mind wants to worry and freak out and God wants to give me rest for my soul.  It is a battle!  My ovaries feel full, which is normal but makes me afraid of over stimulation.  I must keep trusting him every single moment and step of the way.  He is trustworthy!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 21 IVF

It's been 3 weeks and a day since the beginning of this journey, well no the journey really started 8 years ago, but the actual IVF process has been 3 weeks.  The shots total up to 10 so far.  I hate needles, but the amazing thing is that they haven't been bad.  Thanks to so many people praying!! And I've had really no side affects except for a purple bruise from one of the needles hitting a capillary (I think that's what the nurse called it).  It happened on Sunday and Eric was worried about it so I called the nurse on Monday.  After I hung up I told her the nurse said he killed me.  I thought it would be funny.  Not funny.  He's worried about me. I love him. :)  But the nurse said it can happen and it's really not a big deal.

Friday we go to the doc to get more blood drawn to see if the injections have been doing what they're suppose to and then I start the 3 injections a day.  My prayer is that God would cause the exact right amount of eggs to develop and be fertilized.  Talk about having no control.  I am smack dab in the middle of realizing really how little I do control. :)  It can be a really amazing thing when I trust God and not in myself.  It's like my soul can take a deep breath and relax.  I've been going over faith with some of the girls I discple and it's been so good for me too - to remember God's character and to learn more about God's character which enables me to realize how trustworthy he is.  He loves me, he's in control of everything, and he's good.  Wow, what a God we serve.

It was so sweet my 8 year old niece this last weekend said, "You'll be a great mom."  It really touched my heart.  We'll see what God does!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 15 IVF

Two shots down!!  Instead of freaking out about the needle today I said, "Come to me needle and meds!" haha  Sounds silly, but it did help.  It's weird thinking about embracing pain.  There has to be some spiritual analogy with that.  Our instinct is to run away from pain, but God wants to bring us through the pain.

Today we studied 1 John 4 and it says - perfect love drives out all fear.  I've been pondering this with my fear with invitro.  This is a chance for me to trust God; my Father, my Provider, my Friend, the Lover of my soul.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 14 IVF's begun.  Today marked the beginning of the injections.  Eric prayed over me and then stuck me. :)  I did make a noise because it pinched some and he said I'm not allowed to make any noises.  Which made me laugh a little, but I know it's hard for him to hurt me.

The injection site hasn't hurt exactly, but I can still feel where the meds went in.  It said, may cause dizziness on the bottle, so I'm praying I don't get that side affect.  If you think of it, pray for me too!

I don't know how to feel right now.  I'm excited, nervous, freaked out to actually have a baby, freaked out I won't get a baby, etc.  I am a jumble of emotions.

There is a song we sang at our fall retreat that God has had in my head this morning.  The chorus goes...
And I'm restless, I'm restless
'Til I rest in You, 'til I rest in You
I'm restless, I'm restless
'Til I rest in You, 'til I rest in You
Oh God, I wanna rest in You

So, that is my prayer and what I want to do today, and every day, to rest in Him.  He has this all under control.  I think I'm just freaking out because the illusion of my control is coming to light.

Thankfully that's all the injections for today.  Soon though I'll be getting 3 a day.  But I am going to wait for the grace God will give me when that happens.  :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 10 IVF

Eric and I drove to Danville, PA yesterday to get some tests done on me and for Eric to learn how to give me shots.  We were gone for the weekend at our fall retreat, then went to Cornell for cross training, and got home on Monday. So when we headed out early yesterday we were pooped!  On our way Eric asked me if I was nervous and I really wasn't at all.  Come to find out, THAT'S BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS COMING! 

Now, I'm being a little dramatic, but really I thought it was going to be a simple swab thingy like you get for pap smears.  But what I didn't realize is they were doing a test run of the procedure.  It hurt, but at least it didn't hurt for long.  The thing that really made it intense is when they shot water in my uterus to see if I had any polyps.  I don't, which praise God for that.

The doc did scare me a little about the retrieval process.  I thought I wouldn't feel any pain because of the drugs they'll give me, but she said they want to know if I have too much pain so they'll stop.  So I don't know what to expect.

I keep having to switch my mind from wanting to run from all these painful things to trying to embrace them.  It's hard to do!!

Oh and the other thing we did was Eric gave me a shot with saline in it so he could practice.  That wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be, but there are needles that are massive that I'll have shot in me later.  I start one of the shots on Sunday.  I need prayer that I will accept them and that they won't cause bruising or adverse affects.  Also, that we will get the exact number of fertilized eggs we need.

God keeps bringing me back to the truth that he is the giver of life and no one else.  It was freaky signing some of the consent forms.  It was definetly a leap of faith.  As I've said before, this isn't how I ever wanted it to happen, but I know there is purpose in it.

The journey continues!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 2 IVF

Today is day 2 of our baby journey.  Yesterday I had blood work (that came back great) and today I started taking some meds.

This is not the baby journey I would have chosen, but through godly council, God's word, our hearts desire, and circumstances we have been led down this road.  For many this would be a way of controlling infertility, for me this is a faith jump off a skyscraper. :)  I want to do things naturally and meds freak me out, but I am willing to go down this road.

I was meditating on God's word a few weeks ago, it was Psalm 32:8, and says,  8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;  I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. 
Wow, what a beautiful verse.  I've been afraid of IVF, but God has lead us into it and I think I believed that if somehow if I didn't hear God right that things would go terribly wrong - like the meds hurting me or the potential baby, or having a miscarriage, and on and on the fears go.  But God says he WILL instruct me and teach me and not only that, whatever happens his loving eye is on me. A peace that transcends understanding came on me at that point and now I'm ready for this journey!

We would love prayers!!  Ask God to open my womb.  He is the only giver of life.  The doctors can manipulate my body, but only God can give us a baby.  Also, ask that the drugs would not affect me negatively or the maybe future baby. :)